What is Invisalign? How does the Invisalign System work? The advantages of Invisalign Treatment
What is Invisalign? TheInvisalign System is a virtually invisible treatment that uses an innovative
Approach to gently yeteffectively straighten your teeth. Through a series of custom-made removableclear aligners made with unique SmartForce Technology, the Invisalign systemgradually and predictably moves your teeth to an idea position
How does theInvisalign System work?
During your first appointment. Your Invisalign-traineddoctor will take photos. X-rays. And digital scans or dental impressions tocreate your treatment plan
Using Align Tech’s proprietary clincheck software.Your doctor creates a customized 3D treatment plan basedon your dental records. Your 3D treatment plan will depict the expected finalportion of your teeth and also gives you an indication of the likely length ofthe treatment.
The customized clear aligners will be manufactured andshipped to your doctor’s office.
Your series of custom-made clear aligners will begiven to you (typically 3-4 sets at a time) for you to wear every day, andchange approximately every 2 weeks.
Your will visit your Invisalign-trained doctorapproximately every 6-8 weeks to monitor your progress and receive the nextseries of clear aligners.
Congratulations! You have finished your Invisaligntreatment! Maintain your never. Better smile with the use of retainers.
The advantages ofInvisalign Treatment
Invisalign clearaligners are removable, making it easier to brush and floss to maintain youroral health during treatment.
Invisalign treatmentmay give you visible results from as early as the first month of treatment.
Attend functions andevents in confidence with Invisalign clear aligners, virtually invisible,nobody would notice you’re having your teethe straightedned.
Get straighter teethmore comfortably and predictably thanks to the innovative SmartForce andSmartTrack technologies in Invisalign clear aligners.
Invisalign clearaligners are suitable even for an active lifestyle since there are no metalbrackets cutting you mouth.
With doctor visit onevery 6-8 weeks, Invisalign clear aligners are ideal even for a hecticlifestyle, allowing you to spend more time doing the things that you love.
Craving a snack? Since Invisalign clear aligners are easily removable, you havethe freedom to eat, chew and drink whatever you like.